Saturday, December 19, 2015

New shit in my collection #13

Another year is moving towards the end and unfortunately from the point of view of my collection was not a good year, although a few positives could be found. Before the end of the year I was able to enlarge my collection with some new tickets among which one I'm really happy.

Here it is. Number one this year. One of the oldest ticket in my collection from 34-thMetallica concert at all, the third concert with Cliff and even with Dave Mustaine !!!. The person who was originally owner of the ticket has for sure unforgettable memories from that night in Paramount Theatre, where Metallica played before Vandenberg and The Rods.

Another novelty are no longer as spectacular but it is worth to mention them. The first is a ticket from my favorite period of the band or the tour after the release of the album ... And Justice For All. This presented below is from the Canadian part of the tour from Ottawa.

Next ticket is from Tour called Summer Shit '94 in Washington, DC, which took place just one day after the famous Metallica concert at the Woodstock Festival ‘94.

Below a ticket from a concert in Baltimore at PSINet Stadium in July 2000. An interesting fact is that after this concert, James had an accident while riding a water scooter and because of a back injury did not occur on next three Metallica concerts. At that time, he was substituted on vocals by Jason, Kid Rock and Jonathan Davis of Korn. I'm not sure but it was probably the only three concerts where Metallica performed without James.

The last ticket today is a ticket from concert in Estonia in 2010. It was the second and so far last concert in the country. As for me, quite hard to get, I was looking for it a long time.

Finally, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Metallica related gifts and all the best in the New Year 2016. Metallicaaaaaaaaa !!!!