Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prague in heavy rain

After two years without Metallica live show I hit the road again ...for a mini tour ... OK, very, very mini tour, because only two concerts. The concert in Prague was the first of them. This was to be my second Metallica concert in Prague. The first time I was here in 2008, but then the concert held at the stadium. This year, the concert took place at the fairgrounds.

Old fairgrounds

concert poster

This day was to be unique. First, I had a Snakepit wristband, second....have to write it - the first time I was more waiting for support than headliner. It's about Kvelertak, Norwegian band that I discovered this year and that blew me. I really wanted to see their show from snakepit. I was not disappointed, and although not much understand of what they sing (sing in Norwegian), the fact is the energy emanating from the stage could be shared among a few bands.
pure energy
After the Norwegians played Children of Bodom. During their show I decided to walk around the festival area and see merchandise stands. Next band Alice in Chains gave a very nice, although a little static concert.

some Metallica merch

At this point I must add that during Alice In Chains show started to rain. The closer to the Metallica concert, the more rain. A little worried that because of the rain band will walk around snakepit or spend the entire show on stage. During the third song James walked in the pouring rain to the furthest microphone and wet already said "it's just water." It breathes energy in people, in a band ... in me. It was a magical moment and a magical evening in heavy rain.
magical night ....due to heavy rain

Musically, the biggest plus for me was playing St. Anger, which won as a "vote of the day" ... performed far from we can hear on album, but this song is now very rarely played live by band. Unforgiven II lost in the voting and a chance to play this song live by the band departed on time. Pros - amazing despite the rain or perhaps because of the atmosphere at the concert, three guitar picks, met a lot of friends. Cons - I could not get a poster of the concert, which really counted and no shirt Kvelertak, which I forgot to buy after the show.

ticket from Prague concert
some goodies from show

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The South American leg of the By Request Tour 2014

This year's Metallica South American and European Tour was under formula By Request. In short, it was just that the fans choose setlist. Of all the songs Metallica have ever been recorded the fans who bought tickets via the Internet could choose 17 songs played at concert. Eighteenth song was a new song "Lords of Summer" recorded by the band specifically for this tour.

 Unfortunately, what seemed like a beautiful dream, and only a unique opportunity to hear the songs has long since been played by the band turned into a “greatest hits” nightmare. Not that I did not like to listen Seek and Destroy (I like this song very much), but Nothing Else Matters smacked a little boring. The tour was divided into South American and European legs and in my opinion fans in South America have chosen a better setlist than fans in Europe.

As is usually the case in South America I knew would not be easy to get any tickets. All attempts to get tickets through my friends living in Argentina and Brazil failed. Fortunately my friend Piotr along with his wife Kasia and friends went to three concerts in Argentina and Chile. Getting firsts tickets from the tour became a reality. Another big part of the tickets from this leg of the tour fell into my hands suddenly quite late because after Metallica European concerts. As always helped Piotr, who put me in touch with a friend who had somehow come into possession of a number of tickets from South America. Tickets were unused and in mint condition. Thanks Michał and thanks to Piotr and Kasia.

            Below all the tickets from South American part of the By Request Tour that I managed to get through the help of my friends. Unfortunately, the lack of any tickets on ebay, which would increase the chance of completing a full set of tickets from South America. If anyone has tickets from By Request Tour 2014, especially from Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil and Chile and would like to give them away, trade for other Metallica stuff or eventually sell, please contact me.
Lima (Peru) March 20' 2014 
Asuncion (Paraguay) March 24' 2014
Buenos Aires (Argentina) March 29' 2014
Buenos Aires (Argentina) March 30' 2014