Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It happened. In those days I reached the number of 700 Metallica tickets in my collection. In fact, there are about 850 including duplicate tickets. When it comes to me collecting tickets slowed a bit recently. The times when my collection was growing about 110 tickets per year are gone. There are several reasons, but I will mention the two most important: lack of money and a smaller number of tickets on the market, which I have not yet. I set for the quality rather than the quantity, which means that in the spectrum of my interest are older, but more expensive and thus less frequent tickets. I can not unambiguously indicate the ticket number 700, because in a few days I got about 20 tickets and all I set my base at the same time. So instead of pictures of the one I put below some older and newer photos of my collection.

Some binders
year by year
one of the biggest tickets in collection (on left)
some concert stuff
Monsters of Rock Tour 1988


  1. Awesome my friend. Really amazing collection!

    1. Thanks. It will be more amazing with Your posters ;) They are GREAT

  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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